|||||||| Element Vape Coupon Codes - VapeOZilla

Element Vape Coupon Codes

Element Vape is the most popular brand of electronic cigarettes and they love to offer discounts on their products. With an e-cigarette that’s known for its high smoke volume, Element Vape is a great value.

10% OFF Element Vape Coupon – Use Code: EJ10

Element Vape Coupon For 30 – 75% OFF – Use Code : EVC30

E-Liquid Element Vape 20% OFF – Use Code : JUICE20

15% OFF Official Element Vape Discount For All e-Juice – Use Code: SUMMER15


How to use your Element Vape Coupons ?

Once you have selected which products you are interested in at ElementVape, it’s time to find a working discount code. In the list above, there is a range of offers and coupons that you can use to reduce your cost at . For example, to use a discount code that gives 10% discount on your order at EV, click ‘View Coupon Code’ under the current discount code in the list above. A popup box will now appear on your screen with the current discount code.

Note the discount code in the box, alternatively copy the code to use it at the checkout at the current store. You copy your discount code by:

For PC users: Select the Element Vape discount code in the box that appears. You can do this by double-clicking the code. When the full discount code is selected, click ‘CTRL + C’ (You hold CTRL, and then click C). You can also select your discount code to right-click your computer mouse and choose copy. Your Coupon Code is now in your “Clipboard”.

For MAC users: Select the discount code in the box that appears. You can do this by double-clicking the code. When the full discount code is selected click on ‘CMD + C’ (You hold CMD and then click C). Your ElementVape Coupon is now in your “Clipboard”.

For iOS / Android users: Select the discount code in the box that appears. This is easiest by keeping the code to be copied. A small dialog will now pop up where you have the option to click ‘Copy’. You can also select your discount code to right-click your computer mouse and choose copy. When you click on copy then the discount code is in your “Clipboard”.

Now that you have your discount code, you will be able to make your purchase as usual with Element Vape with one exception. Once you have filled up your shopping cart with exciting products and proceed to checkout, look for a box labeled Discount Code / Promotion Code / Offer Code / Bonus Code or the like. In this box, paste the discount code you have in your clipboard. This is done by:

For PC users: Set the box where the discount code will be entered. Click ‘CTRL + V’ (You hold CTRL and then click V). You can also right-click in the discount code box and select ‘Paste’. The discount code will now appear in the box.

For MAC users: Set the box where the discount code will be entered. Click CMD + V ‘(You hold CMD and then click V). You can also right-click in the discount code box and select ‘Paste’. The discount code will now appear in the box.

For iOS / Android users: Hold your finger in the box where the discount code will be entered. A dialog box will now appear where you can select ‘Paste’. Click this and your discount code will now appear in the box.

The last step is to click OK along with the box. Coupon code will now be applied to the price and in this example, 10% discount has been deducted from the price in your order. Now you are doing your purchase as usual.

Do you have a Coupon code for Element Vape that you want to advise us about?

We receive a large number of discount codes and offers from our visitors daily. Of course, we think this is great fun and is something we are very grateful for. If you have a discount code or offer to Element Vape that you want to publish, please feel free to email us or fill out the form here.

Have you found a discount code that does not work?

Then we would be more than happy to receive tips about this. currently monitors over 1700 stores, making it difficult to check all codes on an even basis. The codes are checked, but sometimes the human factor weighs in and we miss a code. If you have found a code that is not working, we will be happy to receive tips on the code and the store code. You can then email us at and we will publish the code as soon as possible.
